Stop the Bleed Online Training $ 39.00 Stop the Bleed Online Training, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. Check with your local instructors to see if there is a fee for their courses. To schedule a class email Beth Schroeder at . An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. These three techniques will empower you to assist in an emergency and potentially save a life. We've been providing Stop the Bleed training solutions for individuals, safety managers, and business owners for over 15 years. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. If further information is needed, companies can request to demo the training course. . A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Safety in emergency situations: Keeping yourself safe in an emergency; helping others to safety; violent situations. Our Stop the Bleed training course is OSHA compliant. Learn about recent legislation, including a major new law in California that requires the installation of trauma bleeding control kits in newly constructed public and private buildings throughout the state. 3. One instructor may teach up to 24 students in one class. The online course meets the classroom requirement for occupational safety training. This is their right to do so. Stop the bleed training is of critically important to helping first on the scene responders effectively deal with traumatic and life threatening injuries. Safety in emergency situations: Keeping yourself safe in an emergency . You can save a life: Preparing for bleeding emergencies; recognizing that a bleeding emergency exists; emergency action steps; deciding to act in an emergency. Stop the Bleed trainer certification + training kit, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. If youd like to add a course in your local area, contact your local hospital and ask them to offer a STOP THE BLEED. When done successfully, the administrator signs the bottom of the form. Gold's Gym dense foam roller (6-inch diameter, 30 inches long) Ecoflex 00-30 silicone made by Smooth-On. A formal presentation is followed by hands-on practice of applying direct pressure, packing a wound, and using a tourniquet to stop bleeding. Our online trainings are great for those who want to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Provide one bleeding control kit to each school. The online course satisfies the required classroom portion of the training. This is only available through approved Red Cross training providers. You may be able to save a life by taking these simple actions right after the trauma. This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. company accounts, and even Do it the Hard Hat Training way instead! Significant external bleeding can also result from everyday events such as a motorcycle crash, or an industrial accident. Virginia Trauma Centers Contact Information. Also, there is a final written exam at the end that will be linked to the trainee assigned. Thanks to grant support from the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, the course and digital materials will be offered at no charge to high school students under the age of 19. So, you have already purchased a course from us, taken the online training, and passed the certifaction exam with flying colors. Online trainings can be completed from any location, eliminating the need for expensive seminars. The measure requires bleeding control training for staff and accessible bleeding control kits in schools. function myOutlineFunction() { When done successfully, the administrator signs the bottom of the form. Stop the Bleed (Full Course) PrepMedic 430K subscribers 221K views 3 years ago May is Stop the Bleed month! Weve been providing industry-specific safety training solutions for individuals, safety managers, and business owners for over 15 years. With Curtis DeBerg - Mobile / Onsite Trainer. No problem, give us a call and we can get you set up with introductory pricing. The other training types are online training and a train the trainer certification course. Download the information below for details on the FAST program. Trauma centers in your area may do the same if you're looking to host the training. * Shop Now > Remember, safety training is an investment. Training providers should fill out this webform to be contacted about pricing for non-high school students. 4. The Trainathon is a month-long call to action for the public to take an approved STOP THE BLEED training course during May 2022, National STOP THE BLEED Month.. Approved STOP THE BLEED instructors can register classes they plan to teach on the STOP THE BLEED Training Platform so people can sign up and take their class. And even though OSHA does not require a train-the-trainer certification (they are more interested in what topics are being trained on), many companies and individuals feel more comfortable going through the trainer program from a well-established, industry-recognized training company like us. We've all seen it happen too oftenon the news or in everyday life. Jane Doe: Confined Space, Aerial Lift/MEWP. keep track of their progress and exam scores. Stop the Bleed encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. function myPrintFunction() { Stability Principles 4. Our Hard Hat Training training kit materials give you everything you need to be regulation compliant. Stop the Bleed Safety Trainer Certification + Training Kit, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. These courses will combine with your onsite practical training to fulfill regulation's requirements for up to three years. However, sometimes expenses are incurred to hold one. As low as. Stop The Bleed: Bleeding Control. Each employee or individual takes the online course at their own pace. First Aid for Severe Bleeding Online Course | Red Cross Our interactive online course will teach you how to stop severe bleeding, and how to recognize bleeding emergencies in life-threatening situations. Save a Life! Stop the Bleed is a grassroots national awareness campaign and call-to-action. The campaign was initiated by a federal interagency workgroup convened by the National Security Council Staff and the White House in 2015. While more than 2.4 million people have now been trained to STOP THE BLEED, thats just a start. If you purchase any of our online courses outright, though, it will then be your responsibility to update the course in accordance with any changes to the standard. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. But just because a course or program is OSHA-compliant it does not necessarily mean a company as a whole will be compliant or avoid citation if OSHA were to audit them. We recommend planning for two or more so you don't end up rushing through the exam. It is a very cost-effective way to go. 2. An in-person psychomotor skills session is necessary to build the muscle memory required to finalize a participant's training. course is for people who are interested in learning this lifesaving skill. Take the course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency occurs. By using direct pressure, packing a wound, or applying a tourniquet, anyone can be ready to act when a bleeding emergency occurs. Based on these findings, the layperson would know what to do to "stop the bleed" about 50 percent of the time with "just in time" training, however, if they have just 15 minutes of web-based. OSHA Standards: This course meets the following OSHA standards: Our online training course provides a substantial, thorough, and effective way to learn how to work safely. Common Hazards/Accident Profiles 5. Victims of serious uncontrolled bleeding can die within minutes if nothing is done to control that bleed. Other things that need to be done for ultimate compliance may include but are not limited to: addressing with your crew any gaps in the training or additional hazards or principles specific to your work situation; creating, training on, and enforcing and abiding by written safety programs (also known as plans or procedures); and performing regular inspections and risk assessments. Managers: Take complete control of your safety training by requesting your custom branch now! group trainings, Bystanders may be able to save a life before emergency personnel can arrive. Upon completion of the course and written exam, the safety administrator of the company will receive a checklist which can be used to observe the trainee on the machine. These discounts are available on all of our online trainings! Please reach out to the instructor of your course for a copy of your STOP THE BLEEDcourse completion certificate. function myDealFunction() { If you are interested in the next class open to the community, please visit to search for STOP THE BLEED classes near you. Because of this, while some smaller businesses may simply accept your certificate and a copy of your test, more often than not they will require you to go through their own training program. Call us at 208-252-5331 for immediate assistance. We use cookies and other technologies to give you the best experience on our website, per our, Understand the importance stopping uncontrolled bleeding and how it affects you, Be prepared to stop blood loss in any situation, General Duty Clause 5(a)(1): Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from serious recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical hard to his employees., Full-sized certificates and wallet card templatesfor learners. Jane Doe: Confined Space, Aerial Lift/MEWP. Simply put, no, a course does not certify anyone, only an employer does. Autofill may conflict with our security settings which will result in your request not going through. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss. The kit contains all of the files we use when we go on-site to train operators and trainers (Main PowerPoint presentation, student manual files, exams and answer keys, safety poster files, standards, certificate and wallet card templates, hundreds of accident profiles which can be used for toolbox meetings, the classroom forms you need, etc.). The free course will include hands-on training in tourniquet application . Be the first to review Stop the Bleed Online Training. Are these courses OSHA-compliant? Classes must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance and are subject to instructor availability. Trainees go at their own pace, but in general each class (including the exam) takes anywhere from 2 to 2.5hours. Have someone in your group "time" how long it takes your group to stop the bleeding. hbbd```b``z"H-,"YHZo&@$B)"]jXA$w$Drz@Q i} {SZ v ^0 m OSHA standards dictate that safety certification needs to be completed at least once every three years. Most STOP THE BLEEDcourses last no more than 90 minutes. Learn More. We also offer Your school will need to become a Red Cross training provider in order to access our Learning Management System and add this program to your schools curriculum. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myPrintFunction); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myOutlineFunction); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myDealFunction); keep track of their progress and exam scores. Autofill may conflict with our security settings which will result in your request not going through. Instant access to your safety certification and wallet card is granted when the online course is completed and the subsequent online exam is passed. After hearing our explanation, they accepted the online class as satisfying the classroom portion of the required training and proceeded to do their own practical. The premise of Stop the Bleed, a national program developed by leaders at the American College of Surgeons and launched by the White House in 2015, is that bystanders can save lives when trained as first responders. Simply print them off. While we travel the country certifying trainers, the online training course is an easy and cost-effective way to help employers make the designation by offering the required training. If pressure helps stop the bleeding, keep compressing the wound until professional help arrives. Join us and register for this FREE Stop The Bleed online presentation! document.getElementById("dealkit").setAttribute('href', ''); Help others learn how to stop the bleed by becoming an instructor. (LockA locked padlock) No matter how fast professional emergency responders arrive, bystanders will always be first on the scene. It was very informative, and good to get hands on practice on dummies to learn how to pack a wound and apply pressure, as well as learn to apply a tourniquet. We offer two other types of training for this course. } 2021, CPR AED for Professional Rescuers Materials, First Aid for Severe Trauma (FAST) Training Resources, Responding to Emergencies & Emergency Medical Response, U.S. Department of Defense, STOP THE BLEED. Stop the Bleed Online Training, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. Hold pressure to stop bleeding. For the past several years, Goolsby and his team at USU have been leaders in the national "Stop the Bleed" campaign, launched by the White House in 2015. Stop the Bleed training for departments is now available. 2. We recommend planning for two or more so you dont end up rushing through the exam. Here are the similarities: characteristics of arterial bleeding, the Good Samaritan Act, articles that can be used for bleeding control, amount of blood in the average . 10% OFF on ALL Books & DVDs! There are many reasons for this, but most importantly the course is designed to train that one employee per OSHA regulations. Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. You will learn how and when to control bleeding by applying a tourniquet and hemostatic dressing. For information about how to schedule this hands-on training, contact: The chapters took the next step to advance a bill by hosting a Lunch and Learn on Stop the Bleed training for state legislative staff in September 2018, as part of that year's Lobby Day program. The person next to a bleeding victim may very well be the one whos most likely to save him or her from bleeding to death. Most people want to print off a copy of thier OSHA Compliance Safety Certification and keep it for your records. Most people want to print off a copy of thier OSHA Compliance Safety Certification and keep it for your records. the Bleed. Learn about recent legislation, including a major new law in California that requires the installation of trauma bleeding control kits in newly constructed public and private buildings throughout the state. These materials are reusable and customizable. OSHA Standards: This course meets the following OSHA standards: What is train the trainer? Conduct research to determine how long to hold pressure on a bleeding arterial . Overview of the Course/Introduction to the Equipment 2. Training Supplies. Please contact us for a quote. A person can die from severe blood loss in less than 5 minutes. 3. Location: Northeastern Martial Arts Dojo Chili Paul Plaza, 3240 Chili Ave. Rochester, NY 14624 Cost: $35.00 pp (includes STOP THE BLEED certification) ($45.00 if paid . Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. These kits come with everything you need to put on your own training in-house. On Tuesday morning, 14 Kansas City Police Department cadets learned the ABC's of bleeding. Stop the Bleed Education Consortium: Education program content and delivery recommendations. There is a lot of confusion among operators and even companies about what it means to be certified or qualified. course, youll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: (1) How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound; (2) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; (3) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. FAST was designed for high school students; however, students from middle school upwards and adults can take the course and benefit from the course material. In Texas, it is common practice for advocacy groups to host Lunch and Learn events for legislative staff to educate them on public policy issues and . Silc Pig in fleshtone In an emergency, are you prepared to be the help Until Help Arrives? We suggest correcting any mistakes and having the trainee initial the edit on the practical exam sheet. South Dakota Stop the Bleed kits are trauma first aid kits that contain: Responder emergency trauma dressing (pressure dressing) Gauze, 5"x 9" pad; Compressed gauze (4.5" 4.1 yd) CAT tourniquet; Nitrile glove, size large; Trauma shears, 7.25" Surgical tape, 2" mini; Permanent marker; Bleeding control . company accounts, and even Cost* 1-8 employees $150 Participants will need to practice using both direct pressure and a tourniquet. Find a course near you. Read More The purpose of the ACS COT Stop the Bleed instructor program is to facilitate the wide dissemination of this program while maintaining a consistently high standard of training. Use gauze or cloth to cover the injury. In partnership with Student Health and Wellness and the Department of Public Safety, EH&S is training and . Generally speaking, each course covers the following: 1. Pricing depends on the extent of customization requested. It is their further responsibility to train you in accordance with the job, site, equipment, etc. Once the online exam is passed, administer the practical exam. Focus on the location of the bleeding and apply direct pressure to the wound. Our Stop the Bleed session usually run between, I'd say, 30 to 45 minutes. In an online format, it is not possible to cover every code for every situation or hazard across every industry. Call (208) 252-5331 to request this service. for businesses. If you are already a Red Cross training provider, ask that the FAST program be added to your agreement. Simply print them off. Instead of being a witness, you can become an immediate responder because you know how to STOP THE BLEED. Rule #1 - Bleeding Kills. Quick View. A formal presentation is followed by hands-on practice of applying direct pressure, packing a wound, and using a tourniquet to stop bleeding. When the wound stops bleeding . endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>>> endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 5 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 792.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 29 0 obj <>stream A person can bleed to death in 5 minutes. You've earned your lifetime trainer certification and may train your workers whenever you need. Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam. Everything can be reused and customized as needed to make it fit your specific situation. In a STOP THE BLEED course, you'll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: (1) How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound; (2) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; (3) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. The training is usually free of charge and takes about an hour to complete. Life-threatening bleeding can happen in people injured in serious accidents or disasters. If you dont find a course in your town or city, try searching by zip code or state. Take the course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency occurs. Making those precious minutes count and possibly saving a life using stop the bleed methods. Upon completion of the Stop the Bleed training session, the group reported a level of comfort ranging from 4-5 with an average of 4.82 on the 1-5 scale. DoD. Please call (208) 252-5331 for price approval. %%EOF 633 N Saint Clair Street, Chicago, IL 60611-3295. Your email address will not be published. Whether you use our training kits or online courses, we provide guides to help employers do this. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. document.getElementById("printpdf").setAttribute("target", "_blank"); 3. Use Coupon Code DELIVERY0223at checkout! Employers can assign employees specific trainings and Courses are updated on a regular basis, so you can check back again if you dont find a course that matches your schedule or is close by. This course also includes a complete training kit. You are on the right path to becoming up to date on the current OSHA standards with the most thoroughly researched and accurate safety information. For this reason, our safety training solutions are tools to further knowledge and help employers train and/or certify their crew. Classroom Kits are available through the Red Cross Store. Enroll for free. Our Train the Trainer certifcation course offers a life time certifcation. In. Train-the-trainer courses allow employers to take full control of the training process. Every prepper should learn to stop the bleeding and to have some basic tools in place to help. 5. We will respond within one business day. To apply pressure and stop the bleed, you first must find the actual wound. C ompress. hb``e``````_ Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding -- within five to 10 minutes -- if the bleeding is not stopped. Trainees go at their own pace, but in general each class (including the exam) takes anywhere from 2 to 2.5hours. We are committed to training anyone who is old enough to understand what the course teaches and is interested in learning how to STOP THE BLEEDand save a life. bulk discounts The STOP THE BLEED Interactive Course guides you through the three methods of bleeding control using video demonstrations, interactive learning, and spontaneous quizzes. We will also include a training presentation and materials to train others. Learn how to do that. OSHA requires proof of training and if multiple people were to sit in on that one course, they would not get credit for taking it. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myOutlineFunction); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myOutlineFunction); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myDealFunction); document.getElementById("dealtrainer").setAttribute('href', ''); We're unable to add this class to your cart. Since no online course can provide certification, these courses will combine with your onsite practical training to fulfill OSHAs requirements for up to three years. supplies into the hands of those who need to save lives right nowthe people of Ukraine. document.getElementById("outlinepdf").setAttribute("target", "_blank"); Anatomy, including pre-shift inspections 3. In a STOP THE BLEEDcourse, youll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: (1) How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound; (2) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; (3) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. After hearing our explanation, they accepted the online class as satisfying the classroom portion of the required training and proceeded to do their own practical. There are tens of thousands of instructors around the U.S. and world. First time training with us, and have fewer than 25 guys to train? Weve spent years fine tuning these to make sure it contains the latest requirements, safety regulations, and hazards that come with operating equipment. That is why hundreds of companies and individuals all over the world trust the Hard Hat Training Series for their online training needs. A large portion of those deaths are from severe bleeding - the most treatable cause of death due to trauma. If you dont see a course available near you, contact your local hospital and ask for one to be held in your local community. Stop the Bleed is a bleeding control program designed to increase the survival rate of people who experience life-threatening blood loss. 90-minute online portion may be given as homework; 45 minutes in the classroom for skills- and scenario-based learning. document.getElementById("outlinepdf").setAttribute("target", "_blank"); After the trauma survival rate of people who experience life-threatening blood loss was initiated by a federal workgroup... Once the online course satisfies the required classroom portion of the training homework ; 45 minutes quickly stop Bleed! Below for details on the location of the form will empower you to assist in emergency... Clair Street, Chicago, IL 60611-3295 the online course satisfies the required classroom portion of U.S.! 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